Calling User Defined Database Function From LINQ
Entity Framework 4.0 allows you to call a database function both in an esql query and linq to entiti...
逆水行舟, 不进则退!
Entity Framework 4.0 allows you to call a database function both in an esql query and linq to entiti...
1.下载源码编译安装opencv Home 我下载的是2.4.3 for Linux/Mac版本,编译环境需要cmake,可通过brew进来安装 1 2 3 4 5 cd OpenCV-2.4.3 m...
I figured out the problem though and it was a typical bonehead mistake. I used a script to recreate...
前提: 导入COM库:Microsoft word 11.0 Object Library. 引用里面就增加了: 创建新Word object oMissing = System.Reflection...
C#中的水晶报表好用,但是需要注册码。这里介绍C#调用word直接打印,既方便,又漂亮。 开发指南: 1. 必须安装office的.net开发包。 2. 在工程的reference中添加com组件...
源码 /* ‘ //-*****************************************************-// ‘ // 如...
今天写个程序 需要抓屏 懒得写代码 上网找 突然想到QQ的抓屏不错 直接拿来用就是了 [ DllImport( “CameraDll.dll”, EntryPoint=R...